Sunday, June 12, 2011

Time Well Spent

I rented a movie today to watch with my 17 year old son. The girls are all in the mountains visiting my parents, so it’s just Colton and I here at home.
Back to the movie….
I got it so we could kick back and watch it tonight, then found out that sweet son #3 had a church dance to go to. I got bumped. Somehow moms seldom win out when the other option is a night with friends and cute girls. Sigh. =P
Colt came home after the dance, flipped on my light, and harassed me to get up and watch the movie with him. Ug. It was late and I was tired, but really, how much longer will my kids be inviting me to these late night treats?
With that thought, I grabbed my pillows and a great big blanket and marched out to the front room to make a comfy spot for myself on the couch. To be honest, the movie wasn’t that great, but the time spent was well worth it.

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